3D Printing and Model Trains
While in France, the combination of being somewhere near ‘church mouse poor’
and living in a small (32 square metres / 350 sq ft) 1 bedroom apartment, I
looked for hobbies that took up little space and so settled on photography
(i.e. my Project 365 here)
and dabbling in computer programming and to a lesser degree, artificial
intelligence (my WmDOT for
OpenTTD). It was quite enjoyable, but on my return to North America, I found
myself with a lot more space and more geographically stable. I wanted to make
things that were a little more physical and so with the encouragement of my
Honey, I started into Model Railroading, a childhood dream. One of my shocks
was the cost of models! A regular-ish building, measuring maybe 2x3x3 inches
would cost $60! There had to be a better way…
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