Spring is in the air...or at least the chlorine is in the (spring) water
Spring is in the air...or at least the chlorine is in the (spring) water
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Flâneur is a French term popularized in the nineteenth-century for a type of urban male “stroller”, stereotypically of Paris. What a delightful word!
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Microblogging v1.3.0 for Pelican released! Posts should now sort as expected. Thanks @ashwinvis. on PyPI #Microblogging #Pelican Plugins #Releases #Python
Summary plugin for Pelican v1.3.0 released! Now keeps internal link indicators
(like {filename}
) from leaking into summaries.
on PyPI #Summary (Pelican) #Pelican Plugins #Releases #Python
CommonMark Pelican reader v2.0.1! Should stop complaining about intra-document links (e.g. #target
on PyPI #CommonMark Reader #Pelican Plugins #Releases #Python
New level of "business casual" unlocked: the bank teller today was wearing a hoodie and a baseball cap!
I’ve been intrigued by the term métis for some time. At the root, the word is French for “mixed”, as in “mixed race”. About twenty years ago, I was in France and actually overhead the word used “in the wild” in this sense in a conversation on the bus; the reference was to an arab teenager who had a black girlfriend.
In the Canadian context though, the word (especially when capitalized) has acquired a tighter meaning: the families of European trappers and their Indian brides, typically French and Cree respectively, born in the fur trade era, and their decendants.
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The ability to play chess is the sign of a gentleman. The ability to play chess well is the sign of a wasted life.
— Paul Morphy (?)
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