Pelican Plugins

Summary Plugin 1.1.0 for Pelican Released

Summary is a plugin for Pelican, a static site generator written in Python.

Summary allows easy, variable length summaries directly embedded into the body of your articles.


The easiest way to install Summary is through the use of pip. This will also install the required dependencies automatically (currently none beyond Pelican).

pip install minchin.pelican.plugins.summary

Then, in your file, add Summary to your list of plugins:

          # ...
          # ...

You may also need to configure the summary start and end markers (see Configuration below).

Configuration and Usage

This plugin introduces two new settings: SUMMARY_BEGIN_MARKER and SUMMARY_END_MARKER: strings which can be placed directly into an article to mark the beginning and end of a summary. When found, the standard SUMMARY_MAX_LENGTH setting will be ignored. The markers themselves will also be removed from your articles before they are published. The default values are <!-- PELICAN_BEGIN_SUMMARY --> and <!-- PELICAN_END_SUMMARY -->.

If no beginning or end marker is found, and if SUMMARY_USE_FIRST_PARAGRAPH is enabled in the settings, the summary will be the first paragraph of the post.

The plugin also sets a has_summary attribute on every article. It is True for articles with an explicitly-defined summary, and False otherwise. (It is also False for an article truncated by SUMMARY_MAX_LENGTH.) Your templates can use this e.g. to add a link to the full text at the end of the summary.

Known Issues

An issue, as such, is that there is no formal test suite. Testing is currently limited to my in-use observations. I also run a basic check upon uploaded the package to PyPI that it can be downloaded and loaded into Python.

The package is tested in Python 3.5; compatibility with other version of Python is unknown.

Tests are actually included and can be run from the root directory:

python minchin/pelican/plugins/summary/


This version is basically just repackaging the plugin and making it available on pip.


The code for this project is available on GitHub. Contributions are welcome!


Original plugin from the Pelican-Plugins repo.


The plugin code is assumed to be under the AGPLv3 license (this is the license of the Pelican-Plugins repo).

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Avatar for Jorge
Jorge on

I don’t think that it is very useful to package such a simple plugin for pypi. In my case, I just have to download the Python files with wget, place them in a folder called summary inside the plugin’s folder and change the file. Anyway, it’s great that you’ve done that for people who prefer using pip.

You can use the script from the original summary plugin, so I don’t see why you cannot use that for the tests.

PD. It’s a shame that the comment system doesn’t work without JavaScript.

Avatar for Wm. Minchin
Wm. Minchin on

Jorge, I agree, it does sometimes seem a little overkill to me to package such a simple package as this and post in on PyPI; perhaps that’s the reason it hasn’t been done before now. However there are two big reasons I’ve packaged these plugins up:

  1. wget isn’t available, by default, on Windows, but if you’ve managed to get Python installed, pip is; and
  2. pip allows for better, easier repeatability in installing. This is important because I’m working to automate the build process for my blog.

It turns out the original test suite was copied over with the rest of the code, and the tests there still pass. I’ve updated the article accordingly. Thanks for pointing me in that direction!

As for the comment system, I should figure out what better to display if JavaScript is disabled….

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