Social Commentary: A New Series

I’ve decided to formalize some of my thoughts and launch a new series: Social Commentary. Just like the many interesting things I find on the net, every so often I come across something in the “real world” that I want to address - this will create an easy way to centralize (and then find) these thoughts. Enjoy!

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My Series

I recently switched to the new version of Blogger. From your end, I’m sure it looks very much the same. On my end, that is for the most part true as well, but there are a few subtle changes. Most that I have come across are in the post editing options. I can edit the posting date, and individually set whether to allow your comments and backlinks, and to edit the post time. Another option that I quite like is the ability to add labels. Because it’s so new I don’t think I’ve really got the hang of it, but for now, I’ll explain the series I’ve started:

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