Pelican Plugins

Jinja Filters 1.1.0 & 2.1.0 for Pelican Released

Jinja Filters is a plugin for Pelican, a static site generator written in Python.

Jinja Filters provides a selection of functions (called filters) for templates to use when building your website. They are packaged for Pelican, but may prove useful for other projects that make use of Jinja2.

This Release

This post actually covers three releases:

  • v1.1.0 doesn’t add any functionality or bugfixes directly, but is designed to point users to the new v2 releases.
  • v2.0.0 reorganized the project codebase to make this work as a “namespace plugin”. Added by Pelican 4.5 is a feature to automatically activate such plugins. It also transfers the code repo to the Pelican-Plugins organization and moved the PyPI package to pelican-jinja-filters.
  • v2.1.0 adds two filters — merge_date_url and datetime_from_period. It also lowers the minimum Pelican version to 3 (from 4.5). Under the hood, it also updates the local development infrastructure to work better on Windows.


to v1.1.0

To upgrade simply use pip:

pip install minchin.pelican.jinja-filters --upgrade

v1.1.0 actually depends on v2.1.0 or newer, which will automatically be installed.

As a side, this (having one version of a package rely on another version of the “same” package) is generally not desirable or even possible. But PyPI/pip has no real concept of package re-naming, and the two different package names is what makes this work.

If you run v1.1.0, you will get a warning message when you generate your site with Pelican encouraging you to upgrade to v2. This is mostly for those who won’t stumble upon this blog entry! That said, the plugin will continue to work as it has previously without further effort on your part.

to v2.0.0

v2.0.0 has a different package name, so you’ll have to uninstall the old package and install the new one. Again, pip is the simplest way:

pip install pelican-jinja-filters --upgrade
pip uninstall minchin.pelican.jinja-filters

The new package name and file layout is to make the plugin a “namespace plugin”. Namespace plugins are actually a really cool idea that if you create your package in the right way, your “host” program can find the plugins simply by having them installed on your system! For Pelican, they need to be in the pelican.plugins namespace.

Two caveats of this approach is that you’ll need Pelican version 4.5 (or later) to automatically load these namespace plugins, and (at least if my understanding is correct) you have to either rely on namespace plugins alone OR the PLUGINS setting of your; i.e. if you specify PLUGINS in your settings, auto-loading of namespace plugins is turned off. Neither of these are deal breakers, but this background may prove useful in debugging your setup. Overall, I think namespace plugins are an awesome idea, and I hope it doesn’t take too long to get everything switched over.

So if you’re using other non-namespace plugins, or a Pelican version before 4.5, you’ll also need to update your with the new plugin name:


    # others...
    # minchin.pelican.jinja_filters  # <-- remove this line

Finally, v2.0.0 bumps the minimum Pelican version up to 4.5; if you’re using an older version of Pelican and don’t want to upgrade yet, then use v2.1.0 of the plugin.

to v2.1.0

Assuming you’ve done the steps listed above to upgrade to v2.0.0, pip remains the simplest way to upgrade:

pip install pelican-jinja-filters --upgrade

This version lowers the minimum Pelican version 3 (which is something I needed to incrementally upgrade my site; I’m stuck at v3.7.1 for a bit yet while I upgrade some other plugins).

It also added two new filters: merge_date_url and datetime_from_period. I added these in particular for use on the period archive pages (i.e. yearly, monthly, and daily archives) and will be used by the next version of seafoam (the theme on this site).

Details on the New Features (of v2.1.0)


By way of background, Pelican feeds a tempate variable called period to the template when generating period archive pages. However, the variable is a tuple with the month (when present) as a string. If the text is already formatted the way you want (and the default is generally sensible), then you can just display it as is. However, this filter can turn that tuple into a “proper” datetime.datetime object to be further processed.

You might use it like this:

{{ period | datetime_from_period | datetime('%Y') }}

(datetime, as used here, is another filter provided by this plugin.)

As an implementation note, if the month is not supplied (e.g. on a yearly archive page), this filter will assume it is January; if the date is not supplied (i.e. on a yearly or monthly archive page), the 1st is assumed.


When given a datetime (on the left to operate on), and provided with a period archive url (typically a Pelican setting like YEAR_ARCHIVE_URL), it will “apply” the date to the URL.

So the two might be used together like this (example pulled from the pending seafoam release):

<a href="{{ SITEURL -}} /
         {{- period | datetime_from_period | merge_date_url(YEAR_ARCHIVE_URL) }}">
    {{ period | datetime_from_period | datetime('%Y') }}

while will result in the generated HTML:

<a href=">2021</a>

Thoughts on These Releases and the Future

This part is more of a personal than technical note.

Eagle-eyed among you may notice that the initial version 2 release happened back in August. I was actively involved in the process, but it’s taken some time to decide what to make the changes that involved.

Overall, I still think moving the plugin to a organization repo is a good thing. This should help with visibility, and hopefully this will result in more people contributing to it. But it is also weird to “let go” of this code, in the sense that it is no longer under my username on GitHub.

The biggest technical changes on the backend side involved a complete replacement of the release machinery. Previously I’d been using a home-grown script (minchin.releaser) to do releases; it was mine, and I could punch out a release from a single command. That was replaced by AutoPub, which is a “bot” to automatically publish releases from your project’s continuous integration system; this has the benefit of basically being completely automated. And for a multi-user environment (like the hope is with the new code repo location), this new setup makes a lot of sense.

One oddity of giving up, or a least sharing, ownership of the code, is that I had Justin Mayer (who manages both the Pelican project and Pelican-Plugins) review my proposed changes. I think my code is better for it; I know for many of the changes I ended up writing a whole bunch about what and why I wanted the changes I was proposing, sometimes longer than the actual code in question.

The last big change was a switch from a setup (supported by pip-tools) to a poetry/pyproject.toml setup. I don’t know if this is “the way of the future” (as some have made it out to be), but this is the change I’m least sold on. poetry has proved tricky to configure at times, is very opinionated, and sometimes hides it’s logic under the covers. As well, I’m not sure it’s solved any problem I didn’t already have solved. But I’ll use it for projects like this, and just count it among the (slight) costs of working with others.

Moving forward, I’m not sure if every release will get a release post. I suspect the releases I’m involved in will get a post, but hopefully there will be some without my involvement!

Now, only 11 more plugins to go! I want to move all the plugins I use to namespace plugins and then upgrade from Pelican 3.7.1 to 4.6 (or whatever the then-current version is). I’m a little bit closer. :)

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