Problems on the Interstate

The Eisenhower Interstate program was brilliant for its day — it created a national system of freeways that crisscrossed the United States, and has done much to provide the infrastructural backbone to today’s booming service industry. But the interstate has in turn caused other problems, including suburban sprawl, funding and mode dependence, and a lack of vision.

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Acceptance, Not Armoured Bears, Threaten Faith

As a regular reader of the Gateway, I have read a fair share of ideas that are a little thought and controversy producing pieces, but thought I would add a little to the mix myself. I was reading the Editorial entitled “Armoured bears don’t threaten faith” by Ryan Heise in the November 26 edition. Although he raises some valid points, I think he has been rather simplistic and one-sided.

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Cab Fare, Anyone?

I got a kick out of a flyer that came in the mail the other day. The Alberta Cancer Foundation has launched its annual “Cash and Cars” lottery. The flyer starts with a display of the cars, some 26 in all, starting with the SLR McLaren. Following is a page for the cash prizes (valued between five and fifty thousand dollars), showing a pile of cash and the tagline “Consider it cab fare”. I guess everyone wins a “car”, even if it’s a taxi ($50,000 will give you quite the taxi ride!). It cracked me up.

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Social Commentary: A New Series

I’ve decided to formalize some of my thoughts and launch a new series: Social Commentary. Just like the many interesting things I find on the net, every so often I come across something in the “real world” that I want to address - this will create an easy way to centralize (and then find) these thoughts. Enjoy!

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