Minchin dot CA Pelican Theme 1.0.0 Released

I’ve been in the process of redesigning my blog and so as part of that I’ve tried to make as many pieces as possible installable from pip. To that end, I’ve packaged my website theme and uploaded it to PyPI.

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Colourettu 1.1.0 for Python released

Version 1.1.0 of Colourettu has been released.

Colourettu is a Python library I’ve written for dealing with colours and “palettes” (groups of colours).

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Colourettu 1.0.0 for Python released

Version 1.0.0 of Colourettu has been released.

Colourettu is a Python library I’ve written for dealing with colours, and specifically to determine the contrast between two colours.

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Colourettu 0.1.1 for Python released

Version 0.1.1 of Colourettu has been released.

Colourettu is a Python library I’ve written for dealing with colours, and specifically to determine the contrast between two colours.

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