Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I woke up this morning a little later than I would have liked, but sure it’s the byproduct of a late night. The only real downside of it all was I found out that breakfast was included in my hotel stay, but only till 9am! Oops, I guess I missed that one…
I hit the road, stopped at the Arkansas Welcome center where they suggested a fun little place in Hope called Sheba’s Family Restaurant, which turned out to be great breakfast. Even though it was more or less dark when I left Dallas the night before, I could tell much of US-82 had been lined with trees (quite the contrast to western Texas…), and in the morning light, Arkansas is green. The Interstate, almost all the way through the state, is lined trees that are probably 60 feet tall.
I pulled into Memphis, just across the river from Arkansas, just in time for dinner. Parking downtown was fun, like it always is, but I managed to find a stop on the street and wondered down to Beale Street for dinner. I ended up eating dinner (ribs, one of the best meals I’ve had in a long time…), listening to live music. After a meal like that, I wished I had more time to stick around and explore. I finished up the night with a drive to Nashville, about 3 hours down the road, and stayed at the Day’s Inn — more expensive, but a way nicer place than the last motel….
It’s hard to get good pictures of stuff BESIDE the road as you go flying by, but I saw huge churches like this all over the Arkansas and Tennessee.
From a rest stop along the Interstate in Arkansas. Compare the green with was I was seeing across Texas and New Mexico a couple of days before.
The Memphis skyline from across the Mississippi.
The King of Rock and Roll — Elvis. The statue is in the Memphis visitor’s center.
leave Texarkana AK — 10:55am — 225,135km
Hope (breakfast $7) — 11:35am to 12:10pm — 225,184km
Little Rock (Hurray for free AAA maps! Skittles and Water $9.80) -
1:50pm — 225,359km
Rest Stop, MP 198 — 3:10 to 3:30pm — 225,452km
Memphis TN (tip to music guys $2, supper $20.50) — 4:45 to 7:40pm -
Jackson (gas $20.25, Whoopers $3.93) — 9:10pm — 225,739km
arrive Nashville TN (hotel $46.24) — 11:20pm — 225,945km
Today — US$109.72 — 8h35 — 810km
Total — CAD$1074.60 — 61h15 — 6420km
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